STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)Students from Grades Prep-2 attend 45 minutes a week and 3-6 attend an hour and a half lesson every fortnight with our STEM specialist. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Our program is designed to give the students the opportunity to expand their understanding of Science whilst developing skills in Team Work, Creativity, Logic, Thinking Skills and Problem Solving. Our Program is divided into six different areas, Chemical Science, Physical Science, Biological Science, Earth and Space Science, Technology and Environmental Studies. The students are given the opportunity to ask questions to drive our studies. We study how scientists work and use the scientific process to observe and understand the world. Each topic we cover involves a big question which will be used to generate student interest through an inquiry process. Students are encouraged to pose and solve questions, observe and record their understanding and create controlled experiments designed to develop a deep understanding of the concepts or phenomena we are investigating. Our program is a real time student led process of discovery and understanding.Visual Arts All students enjoy and experience Visual Art lessons through every year level. Prep to Grade 2 students attend a weekly 45 minute session and Grade 3 to Grade 6 students attend a fortnightly 90 minute session. A qualified Art teacher in a fully equipped art room covers the major areas of painting, printing, threads and textiles, modelling, construction, collage, drawing and design. Students' work is proudly displayed around the school and at other venues within the community.Students are encouraged to use their imagination and creativity to explore new skills and techniques using a variety of materials. 2D and 3D pieces of work are inspired by artists, inquiry based learning units, special events such as Easter or the Olympics and community events and competitions. Literature is also used to introduce many ideas and techniques, especially those books shortlisted for Children’s Book of the Year. The focus for each lesson is explicitly taught so that students are aware of what they are learning and how a task or technique is completed. Most importantly each student is supported to develop their individual skills and ideas and demonstrate their ability to be creative.Physical Education
In Prep, students practise fundamental movement skills and movement sequences using different body parts and participate in minor games with and without equipment. Students learn to cooperate with others and follow simple rules.
In Grades 1 and 2 students continue performing fundamental movement skills as well as creating and participating in their own games. They identify strategies to work in group situations and are expected to Identify rules and fair play when participating in physical activities.
In Grades 3 and 4 students are refining fundamental movement skills and learning to use inclusive practices when participating in physical activities. They are put in situations to creatively think about solving movement challenges. In sport they use modified rules and scoring systems and are expected to demonstrate fair play when participating.
In Grades 5 & 6 students practise specialised movement skills and apply them to specific sports. They are expected to participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities. They demonstrate fair play with the rules when participating in a range of physical activities and major sports.
Information Technology ICT (Information Communication Technology) In an ever changing world it is imperative that schools afford students the best possible opportunities by incorporating various technologies as part of the teaching and learning environment. Through Integrating technology, teachers are radically changing the way in which content is delivered, shared, discussed & assessed. Students can leverage learning tools that are highly differentiated, collaborative and experimental. Montpellier Primary School has embraced this pathway and is now being recognised locally for its innovative teaching practices and resources in the ICT domain. The advent of Web 2.0, combined with a range of new technologies, enables teachers to create teaching and learning opportunities that develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours which students require in order to live, learn and work in the 21st century. Our technology rich learning spaces and ICT/eSmart classroom, complete with LCD large screen TVs and access to banks of laptops and iPads at each year level, enable all children (P-6) to be involved in a vast array of learning and teaching opportunities that can be made ever more engaging through the use of ICT. We also operate a BYOD iPad program at Years 3 & 4 level where students use their own iPad on a daily basis to transform, enhance and amplify their learning on a 1-1 basis. This has enhanced communication between school and home as our students readily engage parents in discussion about what they have learnt. Every student at our school learns to develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, practices and attitudes to be an engaged, robust digital citizen capable of shaping our future in the increasingly globalised and interconnected 21st Century. Anywhere, anytime learning is no longer restricted to the traditional classroom setting.
Performing Arts
At Montpellier Primary School, all students from Prep – Grade 6 have the privilege of undertaking a Performing Arts Program once a week throughout the entire year. The three areas focused on are Dance, Music & Drama. Each Performing Arts lesson upholds the skills of "Perform, Explore, Create".
In Dance, students are taught dance choreography that they practice, rehearse and perform on a weekly basis in independent, small and whole class groups. Students develop the skills of body awareness, technical & expressive skills, along with aesthetic, artistic and cultural understandings. During this time, students learn known dance moves and create their own choreography using the knowledge that they have obtained. This program allows students to develop the confidence to perform in front of an audience and be expressive in their thoughts and ideas, while being respectful and diverse.
In Music, students develop their skills with a range of instruments on a weekly basis including the keyboard, ukulele and percussion instruments. Students are taught the principles and elements of music including sound, rhythm, melody, harmony, growth, pitch, form, timbre silence and structure, while developing a musical vocabularly. Students are taught the technical skills of these instruments and are able read & play music individually, in small groups or as part of a whole class performance. The students are taught chord progressions and are given the opportunity to translate this knowledge to create their own music. The outcome of this education allows students to be confident, creative, innovative, skilful and informed musicians, developing the base to take the next step in music.
In Drama, students are taught to be expressive and explore personal, cultural and social worlds through role and situations that engages, entertains and challenges. Students perform known scripts, while creating their own setting, characters and dialogue during drama performances. This education allows students to be confident, controlled and curious learners who have a knowledge and understanding of traditional and contemporary drama.
LOTE (Language Other Than English)
Selamat datang - Welcome!
Montpellier students enjoy learning Indonesian from Foundation through to Year 6. Students are immersed in a 45-minute weekly Indonesian lesson. We believe language learning enhances our language skills in both English and Indonesian and improves our thinking skills.
Our goal is to expose students to a variety of engaging learning tasks that focus on the foundations of the Indonesian language. We strive to provide students with a greater understanding of the Indonesian language, culture and geography.
Lessons are delivered bilingually to enable students to participate in intercultural experiences while building a knowledge of content areas. Students incorporate and further develop their literacy skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking and translating words and phrases) while exploring their new language.
The program is organized into units, including Animals, Body Parts, Family, Restaurants, Sports and Hobbies to name a few. Students regularly revise common words and phrases including greetings, numbers, colours, days of the week etc.
We enhance our units by incorporating technology, stories, short films, interactive games, sing-a-longs, peer collaboration and creative hands-on learning.
Every second year, we celebrate Indo day, focusing on Indonesian food, arts and culture. Watch out for this fun filled celebration!
Terima Kasih – Thank you!
Bu S and Bu W