In Grades 5 & 6 the daily program consists of the 2 hour Literacy block (Reading and Writing) and 1 hour of Numeracy each day. During the week the children also participate in Visual Art, Performing Art, STEM, Physical Education / Sport and ICT.The Grades 5 and 6 students often participate in rotations and fluid grouping in Inquiry Learning, Mathematics and Writing. This involves mixed class teaching with students being placed or choosing to work in a group that best meets their needs. Throughout the year, the students also have opportunities to represent Montpellier in interschool sports such as; football, netball, kanga cricket, T-ball, basketball, soccer and volleystars. In Grade 5 the Integrated Curriculum topics covered are: TERM 1: How is our world changing? TERM 2: How does early Aboriginal culture compare to ours today? TERM 3: How can I take care of Business? TERM 4: What impact has the gold rush had on Australia?Activities that enhance and further support student learning include:
In Grade 6 the Integrated Curriculum topics covered are: TERM 1: How does the democratic process work at a federal level? TERM 2: What impact has multiculturalism had on Australia? TERM 3: How have inventions and discoveries affected our lives? TERM 4: How can we best manage our natural environment? Activities that enhance and further support student learning include: