In Grades 1 & 2 the daily program consists of the 2 hour Literacy block (Reading and Writing) and 1 hour of Numeracy each day. The Grade 1 & 2 students participate in fluid grouping for some Mathematics topics. This involves mixed class teaching with students placed in groups that best suit their individual needs and stage of development. A range of technology is used across all areas of the curriculum including computers and iPads to enhance teaching and learning. During the week the children also participate in Visual Art, Performing Art, ICT, STEM (Science and Technology), Physical Education.Grade 1 The Integrated Curriculum topics covered are: TERM 1: How can we keep ourselves safe? TERM 2: Who helps us in our community TERM 3: How has family life changed over time? TERM 4: What is a life cycle? Activities that enhance and further support student learning involve:
Grade 2 The Integrated Curriculum topics covered are: TERM 1: How can we be better students?TERM 2: How can we keep ourselves healthy? TERM 3: What can magnets and electricity do?TERM 4: Why are plants and trees important to our environment?Activities that enhance and further support student learning involve: